Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day Three: August 24, 2011

Today was mostly spent traveling through Guatemala and exploring the city we are staying in for the next few weeks. Definitely going to take a few days to figure out the city layout and find out what there is to do here, but it seems like a really great city! After our several hours of exploring time here we went out to dinner to this really fascinating place. Basically, it was an restaurant that also serves as headquarters for a sustainable solidarity movement for the seeking of the Guatemalan dream. Many of those involved have returned from time spent in the United States or other parts of the world, and are now seeking to make changes to their own country. Their efforts are quite impressive and the food was delicious! I got to try some delicious local pineapple soda, which was very sweet but amazing.  :) I'm really tired and my laptop is starting to lose power, so to bed I go!

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