Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reflections on Solidarity

Perdida. Lost.
Between cultures.
Between identities.
Between understandings.
Developing gradually,
Growing slowly,
Becoming somebody rediscovered.

Solidarity takes us
beyond ourselves
beyond our physical identity
Bringing us,
slowly, into the depths of quasi understanding.
Never fully grasping the reality,
but befriending it enough to
the simple unfairness
unsolvable by some means
yet urgently requiring a solution.

You can only do so much as a tourist.
You cannot ever undo the damage done by your imperialist country.
Those who have had their voices stolen need them back.
To simply parrot off what they say is to give insult to injury.

What can we do then?
What can be done?
What are we able to do?

I want to be a friend to the people.
Walk beside them.
Love them.
Not because of their position of being systematically disadvantaged but because of they are human beings too.
I cannot fathom just leaving and going back to my former life.
Yet, maybe the green should just go?
I do not think I have the answers.
I just want to add my two
 to the cause.
Ally or insult?

I do not want to just come and leave.
I do not want to forget.
I do not want to perpetuate the system that oppresses or ignores.
I want to use what I have been
given to give,
learned to teach,
experienced to share.

What is the point of knowing if you do not act on it?
What is the point of learning and not using it for good?
We are cursed by the knowledge.
We are one human family who needs a major family meeting and new structure.
 Facing tough issues is not easy but they'll only grow more if we keep shoving them away.
Shrugging these problems away is not solution.
Together we have to face them in solidarity with everyone.

Photo from a google picture search= NOT MINE!

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